Oct 27

Resume Meetups in January

By Mary Sue Rabe | Meetup

We’re taking a break for a little while and will resume our meetings in January 2019. In the meantime, please share ideas on new programs of interest to our group, whether it’s a movie or special speaker or whatever will inspire us to go forward with plans to help those in need now. You can […]

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Apr 22

Johnny’s Story

By Mary Sue Rabe | Race Relations , Stories

Forgiveness Freed Me from Decades of Burden Did you ever make an innocent mistake as a child that grew to haunt you as an adult? That’s what happened to me. I grew up in a plantation-like environment. There were many African American people who worked for my family, and they were not treated equally in […]

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Dec 12


By Mary Sue Rabe | Race Relations , Stories


Rodee was like a second mother to me as she was our housekeeper and my closest companion for the first nine years of my life. She was my best friend and I think that I was closer to her than to my own mother when I was little.  She started working for my family shortly before I was born.

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